I am pleased to share that today, December 29, 2023, my photo "Winter's Sunset" submitted last evening to YourDailyPhotograph.com was included in their daily email sent to subscribers. While this is not the first time one of my submissions has been accepted, it is still very exciting for me.
The last couple of weeks of December have been a little dark emotionally. My husband came down with Covid and while his symptoms weren't severe and didn't last more than three days, we sequestered ourselves away from others for five days followed by another five days of masking when in public. Unfortunately, those 10 days took in his birthday and Christmas.
It was during this sequestration that I wandered our woods and created Winter's Sunset. The inclusion in the YourDailyPhotograph.com email feels as bright as the light in my image.
With hopes for a world at peace, I send wishes to all for a happy, healthy, peaceful 2024.